Daybreak Individuals And Staff Practice Social Distancing
Our program spaces as well as our administrative offices have temperature check stations at the entrances to each building. The temperatures are recorded in a daily temperature log and staff and Individuals are reminded to frequently wash their hands , wear a mask, sanitize commonly touched surfaces and that outside is better to be than inside . Together we teach each other how to prevent the spread of Covid-19 .
For the Health and Safety of all people at our programs there is no cooking allowed at any of our sites . Microwaves can be used to heat up food that is brought to pro-gram and microwaves are sanitized be-tween uses .
Having Fun in the community Gardens that we visit weekly .
Sharing good times with Friends and Staff . There is plenty of space to distance and lots of beautiful things to see out-side .
FAQ’s about Re Opening Day
How often are Daybreak's vans sanitized ?
The vans are sanitized after each run they make and then again in the morning before they start the run to pick up individuals each day .
Can my young adult bring food to be heated up for lunch ?
Yes they are allowed to bring food to be re heated or cold food to be eaten at program . If you would like them to purchase food while in the program please let the coordinator know and they will have a consent form sent to you to be signed and returned .
What happens if my young adult does not have their mask on a particular day ?
Daybreak will provide a mask for your young adult any time they forgot to bring one , lost theirs and/or it becomes unusable .
What happens if they are in the community and they need to use a restroom?
A staff member will check the restroom before your young adult enters the restroom and clean and sanitize whatever is needed to keep your young adult safe . If multiple adults need to use the restroom they will be allowed to use