
Daybreak Speaks Up About The Covid-19 Vaccine

In an effort to keep our community and our workplace safe a handful of Daybreak Independent Service staff along with the people we serve took the leap and took the new Covid-19 Vaccine.

This was made possible due to the new guidance released by the OPWDD which states, "the most recent expansion of prioritization in the New York State vaccination rollout now includes all people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. As you know, people living in OPWDD certified residential settings, as well as staff providing support to people in all settings, were previously prioritized for the COVID-19 vaccine. On February 5, 2021, Governor Andrew M. Cuomo announced that people with intellectual and developmental disabilities living in non-certified settings will be added to the 1b prioritization category and will be eligible to receive COVID-19 vaccines as of February 15, 2021."

This is great news! That means that our staff and the people we support can immediately take advantage of the new Covid-19 Vaccine. With this in mind a few volunteers took the opportunity to be the first at Daybreak to take the shot. They allowed themselves to be filmed taking the shot and encourage their peers to do the same.

You can keep up-to-date on our effort on Covid-19 here.

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